Recently at 12Stone Church we celebrated a Sunday morning with Open Baptism, as we call it. Pastor Jason Berry offered a clear presentation of the gospel and invited those just saved as well as Christians who have never been baptized to come forward in that moment to be baptized.
As always, it was a moving experience as people stepped from spiritual death to eternal life through faith in Jesus.
Baptism is symbolic for:
- Dying to sin – leaving one’s old life behind
- Forgiveness and cleansing of sin
- Rising to a new life in Christ
We celebrated the kindness of God that 348 people came forward and were baptized to seal the moment according to the message in Acts 2:36-38.
36 “Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” 37 When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” 38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Open Baptism is that moment when we invite brand new converts and Christians who have never been baptized to be baptized in that same service.
It’s messy, powerful, and yes very wet… there’s water everywhere! It’s a truly life changing and sacred moment.

It’s easy to get caught up in the mechanics of ministry, but baptism always reminds us of the majesty of God.
On the practical side of ministry, because they are in their street clothes, we have towels and a change of clothes ready for them after their baptism. As they are preparing to be baptized, we ask for a clear expression of their salvation and they make a public confession for Christ.
There are only a few minutes for a volunteer leader or pastor to lock eyes with them, listen to the heart of their decision for Christ, and quickly jot down their contact information. From there, after the baptism, we prioritize a pastoral connect and provide small group opportunities for new Christians as they begin their process of growing in Christ.
4 Reasons Why Baptisms Strengthen Your Church:
1) Baptisms help make what is invisible visible.
What happens in the spiritual realm is known, but not seen. It’s often difficult for us in our human limitation to grasp spiritual realities.
Baptisms help make the mystery of the gospel become tangible. Baptisms bring a tangible sense of God’s presence and power into your church service much like the Word of God and worship do.
There is something that stirs in our spirit as we experience that sacred moment of someone symbolically dying to sin, receiving forgiveness and being cleansed of sin, and rising to walk in a new life in Christ.
Each time we see a baptism, the image that creates in our mind reminds us that the mission of God is in motion.
Baptism is not only a visible expression of an inward transformation it invites the presence and power of God into the moment.
2) Baptisms intuitively and tangibly remind your congregation of the core of your mission.
It’s easy for any church to get so “busy” in ministry that it becomes distracted from the purpose. And there are few things better than what happens in the moment of this sacrament to remind your congregation of what you exist for and why you do it.
Baptism is an outward expression of an inner experience. It is a material representation of a spiritual reality. God is present and at work.
Baptism is an identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
At 12Stone our congregation applauds and cheers every time a believer comes up out of the water. It’s contagious and brings great joy and enthusiasm into the service. There’s never a shortage of tears and gratitude for what God is doing in those moments. I’m confident you experience the same blessing.
3) Baptisms celebrate new life in your church.
To this day I can still clearly remember the birth of both of my children as if I was there in the hospital room. Their entrance to the world brought literal new life and a whole new depth of meaning to our then young family.
A similar thing happens in your church.
Salvation is not dependent upon baptism, but the sacrament brings a clarity to each person’s conversion by the public testimony of their faith. It encourages your congregation that God is still moving!
After more than four decades in ministry I’ve observed that no matter what changes have taken place in current culture, the moment of baptism remains relevant, sacred and captures the hearts of people.
4) Baptisms inspire others to move toward God.
Not only does this sacrament remind us of the moment we experienced our own baptism, but it inspires others to take a step toward God.
There is something very moving about seeing everyday people — family, friends, neighbors and co-workers, say yes to Jesus that helps make faith more visible.
The personal stories of baptism make faith tangible and help people believe in the message and power of Jesus.
I hope this post is of encouragement to you as you baptize believers in your church! And remember, all of heaven rejoices when even just one person says yes to Jesus. This reflects the heart of God and the purpose of the Church.