As a Christian leader there is nothing more important than knowing God’s heart, hearing His voice and following His guidance.
However, under the pressure of getting good things done, we naturally lean into our skill and experience. Of course we do, and God gave us those abilities.
In connection to those abilities, there are so many things for us to learn and then relearn at higher (larger organization) and deeper (more complex) levels to become a better leader. Getting better matters and God gave us spiritual gifts to enhance our competence as leaders and expand our impact in people’s lives.
To become better leaders, we practice the skills we have at larger and more complex levels.

Skills ranging from the soft side such as listening and connecting to more structured skills such as recruiting, developing and empowering.
But here’s the point.
No matter how much skill and experience you have as a leader, your results have a limited eternal impact without knowing God’s heart, pursuing His voice and following His Lead.
This month is good timing to take a fresh look at what is easily crowded out by the many and diverse demands of ministry.
What is God saying to you?
The purpose in this opportunity is not to produce a long list. The long list we could all write only discourages us and we often set it aside. The aim is to discern the essential things God is saying.
The truth of the matter is that we often already know what God is saying to us, but we merely need clarity to be confidant and conviction to do something about it.
The following is a helpful approach using distinct categories, and of course, feel free to modify it so that it works for you.
Step one: Clear your heart and set the tone for progress.
Is there anything God is saying to you that you don’t want to do?
God has clearly spoken to me about very specific issues that I didn’t want to do. One was fasting. I’ve fasted many times over the years but there was a season I began resisting it and had good reasons. Or at least they were to me. It took a long time to get a breakthrough.
Is there anything you know God has said, but you resist? Wrestle it down. Don’t let it be a hindrance to all that He has for you.
Is there any pain or discouragement that hinders you hearing from God?
The enemy often takes advantage of any suffering we endure. The truth is that we just can’t outrun pain. Whether its physical or emotional, pain is real. We can’t wave a wand and make pain go away, but when we refuse to give in and give up God joins us in the battle.
Do you have right people in your inner circle to help you discern God’s voice?
God designed us for community, and He often speaks to us through others. Friends, advisors and confidants that you trust can bring you wisdom from God or affirm what you think He is saying.
Do you have two or three of these special people in your life? If not, start with one. Who can you talk with that is wise, knows and loves you and hears from God?
Step two: Take some time to sit and listen to God.
You and I can’t hear from God if we do all the talking. We must be still and listen.
In addition to your normal devotional time, setting aside 30 minutes a few times a week might work for you, or maybe taking a few ninety minutes blocks in a month would work better. There isn’t a right or wrong way. What would work best for you?
I hope you don’t see this as another task on your long list of things to do.
Instead, see it as an incredible opportunity to hear from God who loves you dearly and is for you.
Each of these four categories starts with a specific question. It is not meant to be a limitation, but merely a prompt to get you started. From there you talk with God!
God may not be speaking to you in all four areas, maybe in just one or two!
1) Spiritually – Are you happy with your prayer life?
There are a number of helpful spiritual disciplines, but in my opinion, prayer is the foundation of them all. Prayer is the primary doorway to communion with God.
How would you describe your walk with Jesus with one word?
Which one word description below sums it up best? You get to define the word.
Keep in mind that each of these four options can be seen as a negative or a positive. For example, a garden can be peaceful beauty or a mess full of weeds. A jungle can be an exciting adventure or scary and out of control. You define your choice.
- A Desert
- A Garden
- A Jungle
- A Ocean
Now that you chose one word, is that what you want it to be?
Is your soul at peace? Is joy a natural part of your life? Do you trust God?
What is God saying to you?
Is there one specific spiritually oriented area that God seems to have His finger on?
2) Personally – Are you pleased with who you are and how you are maturing?
Next to our relationship with Jesus, our character is the foundation of who we are and how we lead.
Our overall character will become our downfall if we do not remain consistent in our integrity. This isn’t about perfection, but an acknowledgement and desire to be more about others than ourselves.
- Our actions can help or hurt others.
- Our words can build others up or break them down.
- Our attitude can bring joy or discouragement to those around us.
Is there something God wants to say to you here?
You may be doing great here, good! Skip and go to the next category.
This tool is meant to serve you, not a project to complete.
You get the idea I’m sure.
3) Relationally – Do you enjoy meaningful relationships with those closest to you?
There is so much about vision, strategy and a variety of systems we must tend to, but ultimately, life and leadership is all about relationships. The quality of your relationships over a lifetime has a significant impact on your legacy.
You may be blessed with wonderful, healthy and growing relationships. If so, thank God and keep going!
Or perhaps God has a word for you here.
Maybe with your spouse or kids?
Or a friend at the church?
The following are five helpful questions relating to the health, vibrancy and joy of your primary relationships:
- Who do you first seek out for advice when you face a problem?
- Who quickly comes to mind that you would trust with everything about you?
- Is there anyone you need to forgive?
- When you really want someone to pray for you, who do you first think of?
- Who do you call when you need to relax and have some fun?
The keys to meaningful and lasting relationships are trust, grace, honesty and the practice of giving more than you receive.
4) Professionally – Is your calling clear and do you possess the conviction to continue?
It’s a good idea to listen intently for what God is saying to you in the first three categories and then focus on your career responsibilities. If you do, your career goes better because you are grounded in the most important areas.
That said, all of us can get better at what we do. And that begins with making sure you are in the right environment, fulfilling (or discovering) your calling, and making a significant contribution to the vision/purpose.
What is your sense of these important factors?
When we are passionate about our calling and grateful for our place on the team, we are much more likely to excel in our work and enjoy those we work with.
A complaining, critical or competitive spirit is never helpful to you or the team.
What would help you in your leadership most right now?
- Improve a certain skill?
- Invest more in relationships?
- Engage with greater passion?
What is God saying to you?
As I get older I have noticed how many are emotionally mature. One of the characteristics of that is a failure to address issues as they come up. Recently I heard that the number one thing people are looking for is authenticity. I think one of the best ways to encourage that is to be accountable to others. So many time people think they are the only person going through something and that everyone else is fine. People who want authenticity know when they see the “smoke and mirrors.” Pastors can preach good sermons and be falling apart in other areas. When I was many years younger I felt like my body was falling apart and wondered how many years I had left. After what I had gone through I felt fortunate to be alive. Now I can share that with others who feel the same way. A lady I know is struggling with the thought that the doctors do not know what is wrong with her. People need to know how to deal with things that don’t make sense. When someone goes through something like that they can comfort others in the same way they received comfort.
Hi Gerald,
Thank you for your stories and insights.
Dan, your articles are rich and meaningful. With this one I begin yet another year of filing them away. Thank you for sharing with us what the Lord has entrusted to you.
Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. I’m truly glad you find these articles helpful.